Thursday, July 5, 2012

Swimming with Dolphins

I was swimming in the ocean. I was standing on this shelf with someone else and watching dolphins swim in circles close to the surface (I myself was about 50 ft below). eventually they stopped and looked at me and my companion. They started to form a front line of about 7 dolphins and performing little tricks, like making the water above them appear like a helicopter's blades. Every trick they performed I mimicked, and my companion stated that if I continued to "play" with them they would come over to me.


Friday, December 2, 2011

The Heavy Hitter

<p>&lt;p&gt;I wasn't even unemployed.&amp;nbsp; I was driving around with my "brother-in-law" (in reality I don't think I even recognized him) and he proposed that I start working with him as a heavy for a mob boss.&amp;nbsp; I don't know why, but that sounded at the time like a really good side job.&amp;nbsp; I took it, and became a the 3rd member of this beat-em-up gang.  We came back to his house in a city I took to be Las Vegas (because of a later scene) and received our first assignment already.&amp;nbsp; we were gonna rough up some guys on a golf course / country club.&amp;nbsp; We piled into my bro's big, lifted silverado and took off for the location.&amp;nbsp; Before we went there, though, we stopped at a quickie mart and picked up a couple of things, one of them being a packet of some mysterious powder.  My brother-in-law grabbed a glass and filled it with water then poured the powder into it and forced me to drink it.  I did grudgingly, bit realized it was pretty good crap.  I had no idea what it was or what it had to do with the rest of the dream.  Anyway, we got there and walked right past the line of people waiting to get in like we owned the place.&amp;nbsp; As soon as we walked in there were the three stupidest guys in the world just goofing off right before our eyes.&amp;nbsp; I walked up to the really tall one and the three dudes finally noticed what was about to go down.&#160; I slammed the big guy square in the stomach.&#160; We brawled kinda slow, these guys weren't very good and we easily trashed them.&#160; One of the guys who was fighting me decided that he was going to get dirty and grabbed a stick and broke it in half like he was gonna jab it into my shoulder or something.&#160; I said, "seriously?&#160; I thought you were better than that... this was a fair fight, and you go bringing that in." He hesitated, almost feeling a little dumb, and as he flinched I grabbed the sticks and threw them away, then pounding him on the nose.&#160; Once these guys had had enough we kinda just fizzled down, and had a little shoot-the-breeze with them, mostly discussing their technique.&#160; It turns out one of my fellow cronies was Jake, one of the hairiest men I've ever met and former bandmate, and he decided to start playing Arctic Monkeys on his phone as his victory song.&#160; We shook hands with the guys we just beat up and left the same way we came.&#160; Kinda.</p>
<p>It took a while to walk to the truck, a lot longer than it took to walk in to the golf course.&#160; While we were in there someone shifted and rearranged the city and we were somehow in the red light district.&#160; As we were leaving the golf course and passing the line of people I started running.&nbsp; In midair.&nbsp; While moving forward by kicking my feet.&nbsp; Everyone in the line saw it, and it was awesome... till my brother-in-law told me to knock it off.&nbsp; We walked down the street and passed a nudie bar where grown men could not just look but touch.&nbsp; It was gross... and one couple apparently reminded my brother-in-law of Danny and Mauve, our aunt and uncle (in my dream there was some sort of event that happened when they went to France - they apparently got naked and started making out in front of the eiffel tower).&nbsp; We finally got to the truck and started driving home when we realized that my brother-in-law wasn't driving at all - our Japanese mob boss (played by the Asian guy on Star Trek Enterprise) had taken the reigns.&nbsp; He drove us to our house, then, parking outside, proceeded to tell my brother-in-law that he did a really crappy job.&nbsp; I had a series of plates I was holding on to and apparently they were how we got our payment from the boss.&nbsp; I held them up toward him and he looked at me, then slowly placed three rolls - rolls! - on each plate and expected me to get them out of his face.  We looked into the window of our house for the first time and it was trashed - some other heavies came in and destroyed the place.  And right before my brother-in-law slammed big boss in the throat, I woke up.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

7/26 - 7/27: The latest Craze

I was on a trip with my family-in-law (I seem to be having a lot of those experiences in my dreams lately), this time going to the Grand Canyon.  I've been there before, it's cool.  And boring.  I wasn't super thrilled.  As we got there, everyone just split.  I tracked some of them down and entered this cut scene (if you haven't gathered by now, my dreams like to get cinematic, thanks to my real-world experiences with film editing) of a lady jumping off the canyon edge Laverne & Shirley style.  I contently watched as she and this horse plummeted to their fast demise... that is, until they didn't fall.  The horse was hooked on to some sort of device that prevented it from not only falling to their death, but falling whatsoever.  The horse and its senior citizen rider were zooming straight off the edge where they jumped and then booming straight back, like that ride on las Vegas' Stratosphere hotel that shot you off the side of the tower and left you hanging.  Except over the Grand Canyon.  And on a horse.  Take that, Old Spice Man.

With the cut  scene over I walked right on over to replace where they hook you up and started asking them questions.  Unfortunately, before I was able to convince them to give me a free ride, I went on to the next dream, which did not involve my family-in-law, and was infinitely less cool. Those two things are not related.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

7/22-7/23: End of the Band

It had been a while since any of us had played together, a long while.  Tyrone decided it was time to try things anew.  The band never officially broke up, just kind of dissolved.  Regardless, Tyrone (the ring leader) wanted some fresh blood.  He called me to still play the bass, but the drummer was new and the old guitarist was cut out altogether.  At the end of our first practice together, someone dropped the message to the other old bandmates that the band was reforming without them.  Mo, clearly the largest and most violent of the two cut-outs, started to fish for information.

"Why did you guys meet up and not tell us?!?  Answer me!"

And quickly, without giving Tyrone time to try to smooth things over, the new drummer Marty retorted, "YOU'RE OUT OF THE BAND!"

Mo immediately thrust his fist in the direction of Marty's face as Marty came into a full tackle-ready postion to take down Mo.  The old drummer kind of just stood there, and I think Tyrone just started throwing rocks.  All in all it was a pretty pathetic brawl, and it was abandoned quickly, morphing into more of a verbal fight at best.  Once everyone had began to breathe again, we all just took off.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

(From Madeleine) 1/30-1/31: When Family History gets a little too intense:

So here's the dream:

Right now I'm taking a finish up my bachelors degree. I had this dream about this assignment for this one class I have. In reality the class is family history, but in this dream we were being briefed before we were thrown into a pool. A scary pool full of caskets of people that had already died. Our assignment was to go and try to save one of these people which means there was time travel involved or maybe just seeing into the future.

My group was given this assignment to save this little boy. So while we were in this pool we see the boy who is...not the happiest death victim I must say; very chubby brown haired boy with chocolate still smeared on his face. All of a sudden we are out of the pool and are given tickets and an itinerary for our assignment. We are going to board the flight that went down and led to this boys death. There is a lot of chaos as we board the plane. My group and I are able to trade seats so that we can all sit together in the row behind the boy.

This wasn't a normal plane. It had theatre seating with ten seats across and an isle in the middle. I could see the top of the boys head. My group partners tried to get the boy's attention a few times, but he was very rude. He spat on one of the other girls in the group. Finally...I realized I had a snickers in my bag. I pulled it out and offered it to the boy and struck up a conversation. He had these small action figures and wanted to play. So I took one and I was pretending to be him and he was pretending to be his grandpa. (I work with kids so pretend playing isn't too out of the ordinary.) I pretended to walk in and say "oh hi grandpa". The boy's response was very mean "What are you doing here! You're supposed to be in school!" And then the grandpa hit the boy action figure that was actually me. And the boy action figure's arm broke. I was very alarmed at the relationship the boy showed with his grandpa. I decided we would go to the hospital and put the boy action figure's arm back on. Which really meant that I found one of my partners who happened to have pink masking tape. We made a cast and reattached the arm and then everything seemed to be okay.

And then the plane lurched. We were flying over the ocean. I don't know how but the back half of the plane detached from the front and we went crashing down into the ocean. The back of the plane sank into the ocean. The front of the plane landed in a way that we didn't sink. The back was full of water. But we were "floating" or more like sinking very slowly with no way out. Our assignment is still to save this boy. But there are people dying right and left. I try to get the boy to come with me but he won't come. He is so rude and mean and he won't come with me unless I give him more chocolate, but I don't have any more chocolate.

Then I'm so scared I'm crying and the boy is screaming and he has chocolate smeared on his face. The rest of my group is gone. All of a sudden I'm back in the pool with the caskets trying to swim but there are too many caskets and some of the bodies aren't inside the caskets they're floating around. I keep getting caught on the arms of the corpses and I can't seem to get enough air...

And then I wake up

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

1/27/10: Time Travelling Step by Step and The Lambert Daughters

You're not gonna believe this. I don't believe this. How could I be so lucky? I built a time machine, and it works. Not only does it works, it works so wonderful that I can travel not only through time but through memory, and old retired sitcoms. This is great. What to do first? My brother and I jump in and travel back to 1991 (the dial was set to go back 3 years, so I think this took place in 1994, pending carbon dating), to go visit our favorite family in the whole wide world, the Lamberts from Step-By-Step. Mainly we wanted to visit the daughters, as if we traveled back in time we would finally be at an appropriate age to date them.

We first arrived at a slaughterhouse, unfortunately, and went through a very tragic tour of such inhumanities. But we got over it, and took the bacon sample at the end of the tour eagerly, thoroughly enjoying pork products at the expense of cute animals. After that we went outside and for some reason or another had to avoid the fuzz so we ducked in corners whenever a car came (it was night so it was easy to see their headlights). We managed to hike the mile it took to get to that house we know all so well, and kicked it with J.T. in the garage for a while, then hid in the backyard the rest of the night.

When we woke, we were surrounded by the beauties we call Dana and Al (but not Karen, she's the ugly one and I give her to my brother) and they coaxed us to explain who we were. Of course, we lied, and said we just moved in to town, and we're runaways, because hey, it worked for ol' Leo DiCaprio in Growing Pains. Apparently the early nineties were times of trust, because they cooed over us and took us in to be their own projects. While Karen (the ugly one) was schmoozing over my brother much to his disgust, Dana and Al (who is not a dude, if you watched the show (or were cool enough to) you would know Al is short for Alicia) were asking me questions, and inching closer and closer to me on the couch. While amidst the flirtatious wonder I was sitting in, a friend of mine named Ander - who was not part of a sitcom, and did not get in the time machine with us - started pelting the Lambert's window with snowballs, all the while yelling "POOPSANDWICH!" and telling me to come out so we could have a snowball war. I remained, however, in my position of comfort, not at all paying attention to the ruckus he was causing.

Eventually it came time to leave back to our own time (the parents came home), and so we skedaddled back to the time machine and left Ander there to continue throwing snowballs. Who knows, maybe when we return we'll be in an episode of the mystery runaways, and Ander will have a permanent supporting role as the snowball-throwing schmuck in season 3. Anyway, yeah. I got some Step-by-Step nookie. Bam, suckas.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1/4-1/5: Oh Deer. I think I drank too much again.

Last night, I dreamed I was working (overnight security) and a deer came up to me and started eating out of my hand, then started nuzzling me. then it spoke to me with its mind, and asked me if I knew anywhere it could get a job. I told it it just doesn't work like that, it has to go down to the employment office and see. "the employment office?" it said... sort-of-ly. "No, silly, the ANIMAL employment office."